Kerala State University of Calicut Tenders

Explore Active Tenders from Kerala's University of Calicut

Item Rate BOQ


| University of Calicut
| Equipments
| University of Calicut
Setting up of a full fledged modernised fitness centre with various fitness equipment (supply installation and commissioning) at the newly constructed International Sports Hostel, under Department of Physical Education, University of Calicut.
Published 15/01/2025 4PM
Submission 10/02/2025 5PM
Bid Opening 14/02/2025 11AM
Tender Value
Rs. NA
Subscription plans & prices
Item Rate BOQ


| University of Calicut
| Equipments
| University of Calicut
Purchase of one number LED LIGHT SOURCE, POWER SUPPLY AND NECESSARY ACCESSORIES to the Department of Nanoscience and Technology, University of Calicut.
Published 08/01/2025 2PM
Submission 23/01/2025 2PM
Bid Opening 25/01/2025 10AM
Tender Value
Rs. NA
Subscription plans & prices
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